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FV and FVP Forum > Question about Final version

I give another try about final version. I just have a few question about the system. Hope you will forgive me If you have to repeat because I did not work on it since a long time
So I I summarize
1. Put everything which comes to you mind, one item per line
- if something is beginning in the future does is stay here ?
- Do I put everything in the list even ideas ? even wondering items such as do I have to do this or that ? If yes do I have to clean the list later on at a special cession ?
- Do I also put here Waiting for others lists ?
- When I have a project (more than one action) do I put the first action or every thing about the projets, one by one ?
- Do you put time it will take ?
- What's about priorities ?

2. Do the first item OK
3. Ask what do I want to do before X (the first item) and dot it - OK
4. Do in reverse the last doted becomes the first item traited - OK
What's happen when the list becomes very huge do you extract from the list the most relevant item on a new list and consider that all what is before is dismissed ?

Working on your day do you plan your day first on a specific list or do you do the items one by one without planning anything ?

Thanks for the answers

Kind regards.
April 8, 2014 at 14:10 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter
made a mistake point 2 is not do the first item bu take it as a reference before asking "what do I want to do before x" if I rightly understood.
April 8, 2014 at 14:13 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter

To answer your questions I would need to explain the entire system again, so I suggest the easiest way is for you to reread the original instructions, which you will find at:

Do your best to make it work for a week, and then come back to me with any questions you still have.
April 8, 2014 at 21:52 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Hello Mark and all,

"I did my best to make it work for a week, and then come back to you with my questions..." 10 days later....

The systems works quiet well with me with some little things I can't fix for the moment and some own rules I have applied to myself. May be you could help me ?

1. After testing I found impossible to put everything in my mind into the list. It becomes a mess and completely un manageable. So :
-Notes goes better on the left page of my note book, tasks are on the right or a little carnet (mini notebook)
-Future PLANNED tasks goes better on my diary,
-Waiting for goes better on my digital diary and can be reported another day if necessary and sometime on the 'general list" if they are discretionary and over 15 days.
-Projets goes better on evernote exept the "now tasks"

2. FV works much better with "now task" ie tasks I want to do within 15 days or so
Over that it is better for me to put it on another list call "general list" which groups maybe list, future tasks may be when they are discretionary on my computer that I will review once a day.

3. Priorities are not efficient. The block the system.

4. About the rules the dot is perfect and the question is right. Effectively I prefer ""I'm due to do X now, but is there anything I want/need to do before I do it?" BUT when I dot things The reverse order doesn't suits to me. I prefer a "shary picking tech nick" ie doing task as I feel to do them and If really I am stuck on something I decide to eliminate it, to report it at the end of the list or to plan it on my diary.

5 FV is perfect for doing things but it is a guideline. I is not carve in the marble. I spend time working on my project and collecting, processing, reviewing stuff and it is an important part of my job.

These are my feelings after one week.
I dont know If I am wrong or right.
I will be happy to know your return about this.
Many thanks.
April 17, 2014 at 16:34 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter

<< About the rules the dot is perfect and the question is right. Effectively I prefer ""I'm due to do X now, but is there anything I want/need to do before I do it?" BUT when I dot things The reverse order doesn't suits to me. I prefer a "shary picking tech nick" ie doing task as I feel to do them and If really I am stuck on something I decide to eliminate it, to report it at the end of the list or to plan it on my diary. >>

If this works for you that is fine. But I feel I need to point out that there is a contradiction between the questions you are asking and the order in which you are doing the selected tasks.

Say you have selected four items:

- Birmingham Project
- Call Michelle
- Check Email
- Sharpen Pencils

Then the questions you would have asked to arrive at that selection are:

Q. I'm due to work on the Birmingham Project now, but is there anything I want/need to do before I do it?
A. Call Michelle.

Q. I'm due to call Michelle now, but is there anything I want/need to do before I do it?
A. Check my email

Q. I'm due to check my email now, but is there anything I want/need to do before I do it?
A. Sharpen my pencils.

Q. I'm due to do sharpen my pencils now, but is there anything I want/need to do before I do it?
A. No.

So if you don't do the tasks in the correct order (i.e. the reverse order) that means that you didn't answer the questions correctly because the whole point of the questions is to establish what you need to do *before* you do each selected task.

Like I said, if it works for you don't let me stop you!
April 17, 2014 at 17:19 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Yes you are right technically. But in fact I feel it differently. In you example let's say I begin by sharpen my pencil and suddenly when it is finished I feel a urgent feeling of doing - Birmingham Project I do a lot and now I feel an urgent feeling of calling Michelle . And then I will finish by checking my emails. It is not so urgent.... Strange isn't it.

Am I wrong ? I think I act by urgency or by intuition.... I dont know. I can't explain why...

About the rest of my rules what do you think ?
April 17, 2014 at 20:32 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter

<< Am I wrong ? I think I act by urgency or by intuition.... I dont know. I can't explain why... >>

Well, you were right in that you were due to work on the Birmingham project now but that you needed to sharpen your pencils first.

You were wrong in thinking that you needed to also check your email and call Michelle before starting on the Birmingham project.

Tightening up your answers to the question might help. But as I keep saying, if it works for you then that's fine.

<< About the rest of my rules what do you think ? >>

Your rules sound sensible for you in your circumstances, which are of course different from me in my circumstances, and from everyone else in their circumstances. As you rightly said FV is a guideline, not written in marble.
April 17, 2014 at 21:34 | Registered CommenterMark Forster