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FV and FVP Forum > FV What is worth for me ? And real tips !!!

Hello All !

I never really give up FV since it appeared. I admit I was a bit turn out when I tried it at the first time but AFTER nearly a year ? Was it a year ? I really find the system fantastic. As I am a GTD user I will explain how it is included in my system. And so many thanks to MF I love FV !!!

The lines above are about my special tips. Be happy all is very simple.

*****Rule one include all your stuff in a trusted system*****

Omnifocus database includes all my projects grouped by areas professional, personnal, financial, healph and so on.... OF is my database where all is collected if it needs to be followed or if the items is in the future. FV is like my inbox for following now stuff. An incoming idea ? It goes into my FV list. A waiting for items it goes in FV, an idea about a project it goes in FV. In fact FV includes what is actionable by now. OF is about what is non actionable.

*****Rule two. Clean FV every morning****** I read the all list and I ask the question WHAT I AM RESISTING MORE THAN taking the first item as reference. Then I just mark it with a yellow highliner. It gives mes what I am really resisting. Big project. Then I decide about the element what could I do to make it advance (first action). If I am indeed to reluctant it is erased or goes to OF for a later review. THEN all items which can be eliminated are erased. The question is WHAT CAN I ERASE WITHOUT ANY CONSEQUENCES ? Many things are erased.

****Rule 3 ACT ACT and ACT ****
Treat the FV like You do it the question is WHAT DO I WANT TO DO BEFORE X ? and do things use your intuition.

****RULE 4 Make a real GTD REVIEW Once a Week and a dealy review at the end of the day to prepare the NEXT DAY**** so I can rush on my job beginning by wht is the most important the next morning.

****RULE 5 Use a note book to collect information by the day**** For me it is new clients, new buidings or whatever....

THAT'S ALL !!! Game over !

I have worked like this since almost many monthes and it works great !

Hope you will like it.
October 15, 2014 at 18:28 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter
I have also stayed with FV since it arrived. For me it is the best of all Mark's systems. The one shortcoming that left me less than satisfied is that it does not provide what I might call "a sense of completion". Each day, I like to have a sense that the day's work is eventually done.

My solution to this problem is that each day, at about midday, I draw a red line under the last item on my list. I then make sure that all items above that line are cleared by about midday the next day. In that way, I ensure that no item on my list fails to get any attention over each 24 hour period. This idea of having a "finishing point" each day is powerfully motivating and it is the keystone of my approach to FV.

You might wonder why I chose midday for my finishing point. The reason is that my attempts to "finish" at the end of the day usually failed because I was more tired at that time and because I could not adjust to give myself a little more time to finish at the end of the day.
Finishing around the middle of the day gave me the latitude of extending my end time by one or two or even three hours. So, I am often late "finishing" but at least "the day's work" is completed between midday and early afternoon.
October 16, 2014 at 0:06 | Unregistered Commenterjim
I wish to add a precision
The questions are:

The key is also in Rule II. PLAN Items mosttly they are about items of question 1.

ABOUT RULE 4 AND preparing the next day COLLECT First in FV
Then about the Daily or weekly review GTD review ask the question
5. IS THERE ANY NON ACTIONABLE ITEMS I can drop in OF ? and do it now.

Then the list is clean. The list is actionable. The list is operational. The list is randomized. It is perfect for acting now.

About note books use 4 notes book or at least 3
one for notes whatever see upside, one for appointments with clients, one for FV home, One for FV office.

After 3 monthes the system is perfectly functionning with me.
October 16, 2014 at 21:06 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter