FV and FVP Forum > FVP in OmniFocus
For those who might be interested, here's how to set up Omnifocusfor for FVP. You need the professional version with perspectives enabled. The simplest case is one context, say Work Select. Then set up a perspective with only that context, no grouping, and sort by date added. This gives you a list with latest on top, oldest on the bottom. Flag to select your chain. You then want another perspective, we can call it Work FVP, that does the same sort but with only flagged items visible (I actually use flagged OR due for obvious reasons). If you want separate lists for say, Home and Work, you can either set up two independent pairs of lists, or just have one pair. For one pair of lists, set up "FVP Select" and "FVP" grouped by context and sort by added. In that case you can just collapse the context(s) that are not relevant. Note that you cannot use date modified for sorting, because that will throw items to the top when they are flagged. This sounds a little complicated to set up but in fact it is very easy to use and very flexible.
May 27, 2015 at 22:53 |