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FV and FVP Forum > FVP - another observation

Despite how well they work most of the time, all the other systems have rules that sometimes get in the way of reality, as I've already written here:

FVP doesn't have these problems. I think there are a couple of reasons for that:

(1) Most fundamentally, FVP helps you find the optimum ordering for any list of tasks, as has already been thoroughly discussed.

(2) You are always completely free to add a task to the end of the list at any time, and thus work on it immediately, all within the ordinary rules of the system. AF1 and FV especially suffered from the inability to do this without invoking some kind of override (such as "if it needs to be done now, just do it now")

(3) The system doesn't inflict any mechanical consequences (such as AF1's dismissal, or DIT's "audit of commitments", or DWM's "waterfall deletion").

As such, it's about as close to the "dashboard" concept (as opposed to a "command/control" concept) that Bernie and I (and perhaps others) always wanted to see in a system. It gives you complete freedom but still helps you find your best options at all times.

No wonder there is almost never any resistance when using it! :-)
August 16, 2015 at 16:58 | Registered CommenterSeraphim

<<(1) Most fundamentally, FVP helps you find the optimum ordering for any list of tasks, as has already been thoroughly discussed.>>

Yep. I just add project tasks now in the list (designated as such with prefixes), confident they will be acted upon at the right context and the right order when the time is right.

<<(2) You are always completely free to add a task to the end of the list at any time, and thus work on it immediately, all within the ordinary rules of the system. AF1 and FV especially suffered from the inability to do this without invoking some kind of override (such as "if it needs to be done now, just do it now")>>

That is my pet peeve with AF1, which is why I loved DWM at the time which did not have this problem.

<<(3) The system doesn't inflict any mechanical consequences (such as AF1's dismissal, or DIT's "audit of commitments", or DWM's "waterfall deletion")>>

Yep! I remember always "gaming" the dismissal process of those system just to prevent the dismissal of certain tasks.

What I noticed with my use of FVP, is that, recently, items that are ready to be dismissed often "leaps up" from the pages while scanning the pages for making chains. It is weird, but because of that I had less need to do "weeding" over the past few days.

<<As such, it's about as close to the "dashboard" concept (as opposed to a "command/control" concept) that Bernie and I (and perhaps others) always wanted to see in a system. It gives you complete freedom but still helps you find your best options at all times.>>

I feel like that also. I also remember Daneb wanting such a thing too.

Another thing I am surprised about is that if I leave my FVP for a couple of days (like yesterday) when I come back the marked items are still relevant.

<<No wonder there is almost never any resistance when using it! :-) >>

Unfortunately for me, initially there was a lot of it, probably because from bad habits and misconceptions about the system. But now I am almost there too.
August 17, 2015 at 0:19 | Registered Commenternuntym
Wow, both Seraphim and nuntym? I recall your tastes being fairly different, yet here you are both singing the praises of this amazing panacea.

Like nuntym, I too quickly ran into resistance in earlier trials of FVP. I will have to try it some more. There are certainly plenty of tips & tricks available now--I could get several weeks of procrastination out of reading them!

I don't know about that "dashboard." I remember wanting a place to move tasks that were waiting for future attention, and tasks that represented a bigger concept, to get them out of the FVP notebook chaos.

But there are Seraphim and nuntym's ringing endorsements in black and white, if black and white can ring. We shall see!
August 17, 2015 at 0:49 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
nuntym wrote:

<< What I noticed with my use of FVP, is that, recently, items that are ready to be dismissed often "leaps up" from the pages while scanning the pages for making chains. It is weird, but because of that I had less need to do "weeding" over the past few days. >>

I've had the same experience. Actually, I can't remember the last time I did a deliberate "weeding". That just seems to take care of itself when the system takes me back to earlier pages I might not have seen for a few days. There are usually a bunch of tasks that "stand out" as irrelevant or already completed, so they get deleted immediately.

<< when I come back the marked items are still relevant >>

That's usually the case for me, as well, and if they just don't feel like the right thing to do right now, I haven't seen any harm yet in crossing them out and re-entering them at the end of the list.
August 17, 2015 at 3:11 | Registered CommenterSeraphim
Bernie wrote:

<< panacea >>

I wouldn't call it a panacea. You still have to open the notebook and look at the list. :-)

I had a headache and some kind of food allergy jitters all morning, and couldn't get myself to sit still, let alone open my notebook. But after a few aimless hours I just decided to sit down and look at my list. It drew me right in, and distracted me from my headache, and I got quite a bit done that really needed done this weekend, despite the pain and jitters. I wish I had sat down earlier! :-)
August 17, 2015 at 3:15 | Registered CommenterSeraphim
<< [The FVP notebook] drew me right in, and distracted me from my headache, and I got quite a bit done that really needed done this weekend, despite the pain and jitters.>>


Just kidding about the "panacea." But if it even blunts your feeling of pain and jitters, then maybe not kidding!
August 17, 2015 at 5:17 | Unregistered CommenterBernie