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FV and FVP Forum > Boss insists on daily 'Top 5'

I am really loving the idea of AutoFocus, and have already implemented some AF principles as well as the DIT backlog and one-day buffer.

What's keeping me from full AF/FV is a boss who insists on each morning a "Top 5" issues/tasks that I will address that day. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE.

In order to come up with that Top 5, I am already going through the list each morning and pulling a short list of all urgent/important things that should/could ideally be actioned that day. Then I select 5 to send to boss.

Once I've done that much, it feels dangerous/inefficient to then go back to the full list and work on intuition alone. Especially since many of these items are extremely time sensitive. I'm also the sort of person that will forget that I have to buy groceries or pick up my kid from somewhere (back before cell phones), so I don't exactly trust myself to intuit/remember what jobs I told my boss I will do.

I know, I know...the answer is just try it and see. But...any words of advice or encouragement for a n00b that has to answer for her 'top 5' tasks?
December 31, 2016 at 4:19 | Unregistered CommenterMotherWit

I recommend SuperFocus:

You can put your top five tasks into column 2 and get them done while handling non-urgent column 1 tasks along the way. SuperFocus keeps those top five tasks together and ensures they get finished.
December 31, 2016 at 7:48 | Registered CommenterMichael B.
Thanks, Michael! I will give that a try.

And Happy New year!
January 1, 2017 at 20:56 | Unregistered CommenterMotherWit

Happy new year to you!
January 2, 2017 at 2:46 | Registered CommenterMichael B.