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FV and FVP Forum > Temporary addition for breaking severe procrastination

Been in a rather severe productivity slump. Work is fine, and I am meeting my responsibilities caring for aging parents, but that doesn’t leave much energy or motivation for the rest of my life.

So reading about dopamine, I decided to try an experiment. I noticed I choose short term high-dopamine fix tasks when using the FV “what do I feel ready to do next?” prompt. Even when I pick important tasks and tag them, I found myself skipping them when it came time to work on them.

Using Workflowy I now mark two kinds of next (tag #next) tasks when doing a scan.
#next-HD - high dopamine tasks
#next-LD - low dopamine tasks

Now when I work backwards through #next I make myself do one HD tasks after each LD task. This alternating seems to help. When doing LD tasks I play music for a dopamine boost.

As I said this is an experiment and just my attempt to get back on track and train my brain to pick the next tasks based on something other than dopamine seeking.

A week in and I have been able to stick to tackling harder long-put off tasks. Knowing my brain will get a little rush at the next task helps me stick to the more difficult tasks.
October 9, 2024 at 2:05 | Unregistered CommenterNeil
I have thought whether it would be good to alternate items, between an item I want to do, like to do, easy to do - and an item that I don't want to do, don't like to do, difficult to do, but have to do or should do.

One could have two lists, and alternate between them. I am not sure how it would be done on a long list.

Perhaps this method has already been discussed here on this forum, but I don't know the name for it. I think I have read about it. I seem to remember that this is the "grandmother" method. But I searched the forum for "grandmother", but didn't find it.

Maybe someone on the forum can help out.

I googled searched for this. Grandmother was sure busy, with methods for the shower, for cooking, for scheduling!

Here's one, do the important task first:

Granny's rule is attributed to Brian Tracy in Eat That Frog. Granny would advise to eat the carrots before the dessert. Start with the most difficult task.

However, here is the opposite advice, to start with the easiest:

I am sure something has thought of alternating between the two.
October 9, 2024 at 16:43 | Unregistered CommenterMark H.
I'm working on a system called Ready Willing and Able. Rough draft, the third post.

Don't try to categorize things as easy or not. That will change depending on your mood, time of day, and even the weather. Just look at the list and pick something (or part of something) that you can do Now that will move one project ahead -- that will make the project easier for Future You. If you don't immediately do it, then choose something else.

Cleaning the bathroom might be overwhelming, but Future Me will appreciate not having to clear the counter before wiping it. After that, I might decide to wipe the counter, or take out the garbage, or re-organize the medicine chest so fewer meds live on the counter. Or maybe a kid will need to shower ASAP. When I get back to it, the counter will be easier to clear than if I hadn't done anything on it.

Agonizing over whether it's the most important thing you can do right now will prevent you making the choice. Trying to do something too hard will lead to stalling.

Doing things raises dopamine, which often makes it easier for us to do hard things. If that happens, great! If not, no worries -- you're still farther ahead than if you'd tried and failed at doing something more important.

I find working through a list using AF1 or FVP, and this as the question, works really well (usually). You keep moving. Chaos reduces, which frees brain space for more complicated things.
October 9, 2024 at 17:44 | Registered CommenterCricket
I find that the most effective way to deal with "dopamine" related issues is to create an emotional reset through "doing nothing" as a break for a while to allow my own innate desire to chase the next thing to fade away. At that point, it often becomes much easier and desirable to do a more valuable thing.

The hardest part about this, though, is the ease with which we can "do something else" these days, or the difficulty in actually taking that break. Sometimes, things just pull you in and you don't want to stop them. Getting yourself to let yourself stop is hard, but usually ends up with the best outcomes for me.
October 25, 2024 at 10:53 | Registered CommenterAaron Hsu