To Think About . . .

It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you place the blame. Oscar Wilde




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Discussion Forum > What am I afraid of?

Hugely inspired by Mark's "New Question" and the conversation* about parsing the phrasing, I've come up with a simple system. I like it because it's easy to answer and I think it will filter out stuff you won't do, emphasizing negative consequences. Here it is...

1. Ask yourself: "What am I afraid of?"
2. The first thing you think of is all we care about right now.
3. Ask yourself: "What will help alleviate that fear?"
4. Do the first thing you think of.

That's basically it. Whenever you want, just start over at #1. I like that this is a no-list system, but that doesn't mean you won't necessarily make a list. If the answer to #3 is to make a list, then you can do that. I'm thinking that what you are afraid of during any given day will change as you do stuff, changing your priorities.

And if you get to the point where you can honestly answer "nothing" to #1, well, can you imagine...

I'm going to give it a try.

February 26, 2021 at 14:49 | Unregistered CommenterJesse
I'm thinking of changing #3 to "What will help to DEFEAT that fear?"

Alleviate may lead one to suppress or distract away from the problem rather than fix it.
February 26, 2021 at 15:25 | Unregistered CommenterJesse
Jesse - This seems similar to the Theory of Constraints approach of assessing a situation by listing whatever is bothering you -- fears, pains, frustrations. Then think through them and decide which of them is bothering you THE MOST.

It is useful to start with negative things like fear and pain. We usually feel it more sharply than we feel aspirational things -- so it's easier to put them into words. And the aspirational things are always there, implicit in the fear. The reason something is causing fear or pain is because it is threatening an important aspiration, but the aspiration is a lot harder to put into words.

So, once you have identified the fear or pain that is bothering you the most, you can put it into a conflict diagram to sort it out. The premise is that any persistent fear or frustration or pain is *persistent* precisely because it is the result of an unresolved conflict. We keep oscillating between the different choices, we can't choose between the different polarities.

Here are the steps:

(1) Describe (in a short paragraph) your undesirable situation (the fear, the pain, the frustration, the vicious cycle, how it impacts you, how it blocks you from doing what you want to do)

(2) Describe (in one sentence) the important need is jeopardized by (1)

(3) What action do you want to take in order to satisfy (2) ?

(4) Describe (in one sentence) the important need that prevents you from doing (3)

(5) What action do you take to satisfy (4) ?

(6) What is the common need satisfied by both (2) and (4)?

Typically you end up with a succinct definition of your conflict. You need (2) and (4) -- but to get them, you need to do (3) and (5), and you CAN'T do both (3) and (5) because they are mutually exclusive.


(1) The engineering team is trying to develop the next-gen product, but is continually interrupted to provide support for the current (old) product. The interruptions are driving everyone crazy and not allowing anyone to focus. The engineers are frustrated that the support team is always asking the same basic questions and seems really disorganized. The lead developer is especially frustrated and even wants to quit and go work on something where she can really make use of her skills. The support team is frustrated because the old product is poorly documented and they can't get the engineers to write anything down (they are too busy).

(2) Important Need: We must complete the new product in time to reach the market window.

(3) Action: Engineers focus 100% on new product development.

(4) Another Important Need: Protect current revenue from the older product.

(5) Action: Engineers provide proper support for the older products.

(6) Common Goal achieved by the two needs: The company continues as a profitable going concern.

(3) and (5) are mutually exclusive -- thus you have a conflict. Everyone is taking sides around the conflict, and blaming each other for not respecting their needs, etc.

Once you frame the conflict like that, you can start to see more clearly what is really going on. You can come to realize that everyone really does accept the needs (2) and (4) and the ultimate goal (5), and can also see that the conflict is really with (3) and (5). Then you can get some ideas how to meet both the needs without any compromises and without any blaming.

It works for personal issues just as well as for team or organizational issues.
February 26, 2021 at 23:55 | Registered CommenterSeraphim

Personally I would just have reminded the engineering team that it was their responsibility to both develop the new product and provide support for the old products. And if they weren't capable of organising themselves well enough to do both, then I'd be wanting to know why.
February 27, 2021 at 10:16 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Basically that approach puts all the blame on one party -- and the scenario already describes a lot of blame going around. It might force some short-term focus but is unlikely to get to the root cause of the frustrations and will likely have longer-term undesirable effects. For example, the lead developer is already frustrated and thinking of leaving. Now she is essentially being blamed for the situation, and maybe even suspected of incompetence -- that just might push her over the edge. That would put even more pressure on the engineering team, which could threaten both objectives even more.
February 27, 2021 at 15:42 | Registered CommenterSeraphim

<< For example, the lead developer is already frustrated and thinking of leaving. Now she is essentially being blamed for the situation, and maybe even suspected of incompetence >>

Well, if the situation is as bad as you painted it wouldn't be a case of *maybe* suspected of incompetence.
February 27, 2021 at 16:00 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
It seems to me that Mark's answer to the problem is fine at a management level, but it essentially just pushes the problem to junior management, and Seraphim's outline would be applied by them, while Executive Forster focuses attention on some other problem.
February 27, 2021 at 16:38 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu
Alan Baljeu:

<< while Executive Forster focuses attention on some other problem >>

You got in just before I was about to add a further comment saying that if the person in charge of both these departments had let it go wrong to this extent then their head would be on the block too.
February 27, 2021 at 16:42 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
You're still kicking the can down the road. Your solution now is "hire somebody who solves this". And maybe in this example that is the right answer, but maybe your lead engineer has unique qualification at a technical level, and what you really need to do is provide management support to shore up her shortcomings. So yes, fire the manager and hire a better manager, but that better manager will need to develop a better way of handling the problem of the legacy product and future innovation. Say by engaging the team in the above conflict resolution process.
February 27, 2021 at 16:56 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu
Alan Baljeu:

<< that better manager will need to develop a better way of handling the problem of the legacy product and future innovation. >>

Yes, absolutely right. The problem is:

a) failure by higher management to produce an adequate plan for introducing a new product.

b) failure by the leaders of the two teams to ensure that higher management was providing them with the resources needed.

The conflict is not actually between the two teams but between higher management and lower management.
February 27, 2021 at 17:23 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Ha. My takeaway is that I'm glad that I'm not in charge of an engineering team.

I am enjoying your debate!
February 27, 2021 at 17:51 | Unregistered CommenterJesse

<< I'm glad that I'm not in charge of an engineering team. >>

You'd have no problem if you were using "Get It Right, Keep It Right" !
February 27, 2021 at 18:44 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
It is uncanny how closely this conversation resembles real life. :D

When faced with a situation like this, a very common response is "We need find out who is responsible for this situation and hold them accountable!"

Or maybe "Let's bring in someone who knows what they are doing who can fix this!"

But this fails to recognize that this is system problem, not a person problem. Pinning it on a person just exacerbates the blame game -- and to get back to Jesse's original theme, it exacerbates the fear, the pain, the frustration.

It might end up being a person problem -- maybe there is an individual who is responsible for the overall system, and these outcomes are a direct result of their negligent or malicious choices.

But usually these things evolve over time as complex adaptive systems respond to the volatility and change that is happening all around us. A good situation can devolve into a thorny conflict like this as a result of some change in the system dynamics that escaped everyone's attention.

The best approach is to learn and adapt. But it's very difficult to do that when there is a culture of blaming -- nobody wants to take any risks, to probe, to experiment, to explore, when they will be blamed or "held accountable" if things go wrong. So everyone just entrenches themselves more deeply in their own position -- deepening and prolonging the conflict.

So how to solve it?

If we explore the Important Needs a little more deeply, we can usually find a good solution that eliminates the conflict. Ask yourself -- why do we want Important Need (4)? Why do we want to escape from it? Then ask -- why do we want Important Need (2)? Why do we avoid it?

Here are some answer I came up with.

Why do we want to protect current revenue from the older product?
-- Because the old product is our bread-and-butter.
-- Our cash flow comes from the old product.

Why do we want to escape from focusing on the old product?
-- Because we want the engineers to focus on the new stuff.
-- The engineers are expensive, we need them to do the highest-level work that nobody else can do.
-- The support team should be able to handle the old stuff on their own.

Why do we want to complete the new product in time to reach the market window?
-- Because we want to continue being competitive in the future.
-- Because we want to go after new customers / new markets.

Why do we avoid focusing on the new product?
-- We need to protect our current cash flow
-- We need to protect our current customers

Looking over these assumptions, do any of them speak to our behaviors that are under our control? Yes, several do -- and one specifically jumps out at me:

"The support team should be able to handle the old stuff on their own."

This seems like an obvious direction. Why isn't it happening? I don't mean "Who is to blame that this is happening?" I mean rather, "What is missing from the system that would allow the support team to handle the old stuff on their own?"

The clue is in the original problem statement. "The old product is poorly documented."

OK, how can we solve this?

Here are some ideas:
1-- Get agreement from management that the service level agreement for handling any issues that require engineering support be temporarily extended by 24 hours. This is a prerequisite for idea #2.
2-- Set up a dedicated meeting every day where the support team can get answers from the engineering team on whatever they need. If the lead developer is the one who knows a lot of the answers, then require the lead developer to attend this meeting -- but otherwise, protect the lead developer's time from any other interruptions.
3-- These measures will give breathing room for everyone to respond to issues without constant interruptions -- providing immediate relief. The engineers can spend the rest of their time focusing on the new product.
4-- Ask the support team to list the issues that have come up over the last N days where they need to escalate to engineering. Use the 80/20 rule to identify the most common problems that are having the biggest impact.
5-- Assign an engineer to work with the support team to make sure the issues identified in #4 are properly documented and the support team is properly trained to handle them. Maybe just roll this activity into the daily meeting, if possible.
6-- Following this process, the engineers get immediate relief from the interruptions, and the support team becomes more and more independent over time -- thus eliminating the conflict.

I am sure others could come up with similar or better ideas. The main idea is that this approach takes no sides, does not indulge in blaming, and eliminates the conflict altogether by eliminating its cause.

To tie it back to Jesse's original post -- the idea is that the fear and the pain hold the clues to our real underlying objectives and needs, but it can take some effort to put them into words. This framework helps do that, and then helps guide us toward finding simple but comprehensive solutions.
February 27, 2021 at 23:26 | Registered CommenterSeraphim

After all that you came up with exactly the same answer that I did, i.e. that both teams need to have the resources necessary to introduce the new product. And that is the responsibility of both the team managers and higher management.

But they needed them *before* the new product was introduced, not after it all went wrong.

I find this whole thing about avoiding blame really weird. If you were managing a football team would you keep a sub-standard player on because you didn't want to blame them?

But then I have an Army background where sub-standard performance doesn't cost money - it costs lives.
February 27, 2021 at 23:50 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
The solutions are substantially different. The teams already had enough resources.

Starting with blame usually obscures the real root causes, and taking action on that basis usually makes the problems worse.

Sometimes you have to replace people anyway, and do it quickly, because you need someone who can immediately take control of the situation. I imagine this applies to your army example. But when the crisis has passed and you have time to sort out the situation without the bullets flying over your head, an After-Action Review can help find the root causes so you can find a more permanent solution.

And of course, sometimes there really are sub-standard players who are not in the right job, or are negligent, malicious, or hubristic. And you have to remove them quickly, especially if they are in leadership positions and poisoning the whole organization. But it's counterproductive to have this as one's default response to difficult situations.

I think all of this applies to personal time management as well, and to Jesse's original post.

When our time management isn't working -- there is fear, uncertainty, procrastination, overwhelm, etc. -- blaming myself (or others) and forcing myself (or others) to get something done can work in the short term. Deadline pressure is a great example. But brute force and self-blame doesn't work for sustained periods, especially for sustained innovation and creativity. Resolving the systemic issues that are creating the procrastination and overwhelm is a lot more effective.
February 28, 2021 at 2:09 | Registered CommenterSeraphim

<< The teams already had enough resources. >>

They are missing the essential documentation needed in order to support the old product. And also missing the training needed to maintain the product properly. Both of these are vital resources.

<< Starting with blame usually obscures the real root causes, and taking action on that basis usually makes the problems worse. >>

While holding a conflict resolution between the two teams when it's actually higher management's fault makes the problem so much better?

You already have at least one vital member of the team on the point of quitting, and this will likely push her over the edge.

<< when the crisis has passed and you have time to sort out the situation without the bullets flying over your head... >>

In the armed forces the idea is to sort failures in organisation and weak commanders out *before* the bullets start flying.
February 28, 2021 at 10:32 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Mark, you're saying you came up with the same solution as Seraphim without the process, but to my eyes you definitely did not express that solution. If you did, you didn't express it clearly. What I see is you putting the onus on management to do things correctly. You say it should have been done correctly in the first place. I think everybody implicitly agrees with such things. But statements like these do not help management that is facing a current crisis. Saying you should have done better, or you should be better doesn't solve anything. Hiring a different person doesn't solve anything, unless that different person creates the solution.

What I see from Seraphim is describing a process for that person to solve the crisis. It looks to me very useful and educating. I did not see you discuss any such process, nor anything like a process detailing how engineering and support can rise out of the current process caused by past mistakes to something better.

<< You already have at least one vital member of the team on the point of quitting, and this will likely push her over the edge.>>

Do you really think that? If I were in that persons position, I would think the opposite: Management is finally taking action to get us out of this rut and I will be able to engineer again.

<< In the armed forces the idea is to sort failures in organisation and weak commanders out *before* the bullets start flying. >>

And if despite your efforts, the battle went wrong?
February 28, 2021 at 16:10 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu
Alan Baljeu:

<< What I see is you putting the onus on management to do things correctly. >>

It's not me putting the onus on management. That's what a manager is *for*.

<< Saying you should have done better, or you should be better doesn't solve anything. >>

Well, whoever was in charge of this could have done a *lot* better. And they are potentially going to cost the firm a lot of customers and a lot of money. You're going to put the same people who caused this mess-up in charge of sorting it out?

<< Hiring a different person doesn't solve anything, unless that different person creates the solution. >>

Well, that's the whole point of hiring a different person. They should have put managers of the right quality in place in the beginning, and now you want them to double down and keep the same people regardless?

<< Management is finally taking action to get us out of this rut and I will be able to engineer again.>>

More likely she'll say "Management wants *us* to sort out the situation they caused in the first place???"

<< And if despite your efforts, the battle went wrong? >>

You lose.
February 28, 2021 at 16:58 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
The entire point of this exercise is how I, the manager, find a solution. It's not about you the executive hiring a better manager. Yes if you are in executive position, go ahead and do that. Me, I'm not going to fire myself, and I'm going to try to fix the problem. Seraphim says how. And Seraphim is not proposing that Engineering sort out its problems with Support. Seraphim is proposing a process where management works with Engineering and Support to come up with a solution to the problem in collaboration.

You seem to want a solution dictated from above, but the modern approach involves the participants because those closest to the problem know best where the issues lie. This is not "you guys sort it out" but "let's figure this out together". Very different.

<< And if despite your efforts, the battle went wrong? You lose. >>

The battle, not the war. Unless you want to abdicate the fight. Your solution of "blame the lieutenant and get a new one" does not seem ideal.
February 28, 2021 at 17:13 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu
Alan Baljeu:

<< Yes if you are in executive position, go ahead and do that. >>

Thank you, I will.

He or she already cost the company a lot of money. The development of the new product is being held up. Support for the old product is unreliable. There was no adequate plan for the transition period. The training of the old product support team was insufficient. No documentation was provided. And the situation was allowed to get to the stage where they were about to start losing key personnel.

<< Your solution of "blame the lieutenant and get a new one" does not seem ideal. >>

It's usually "blame the general and get a new one".
February 28, 2021 at 17:30 | Registered CommenterMark Forster