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Discussion Forum > Question on DIT


I need your help with DIT. There is something I can't understand in this method. I have a concrete example today (an email received yesterday): this email contains several tasks that are quite large, I have done some of them but I have not been able to finish all the tasks in the email for today. However I have made progress on this email, do I consider my "will do list" to have been completed? I hope I have made myself clear. (for information my CI is my holiday backlog so I guess I can't put that big email as my CI...)

Have a good day
August 17, 2022 at 16:12 | Registered CommenterFabien Kieffer
The email arrived yesterday, that means it is in the email bucket for today. You started to work on the tasks contained in the email.

(Maybe it is good to write a quick reply to the sender of the email, that you started working on that stuff? This could relieve bot involved parties of some pressure.)

Now, the remaining tasks should be added to the Task Diary for tomorrow. Either each independent task as a individual line or just as one task in one line. Whatever works better for you.

The email itself should then be archived, maybe in a on-hold folder if you want to reply to that email.

(Maybe it is better to start new email threads, depending on how this is handled best in your department. I usually start fresh in order to avoid people accumulating those cc: trains full of group procrastination, but YMMV.)

Either way, the email should be counted as "done" for today.

That means, starting tomorrow, you work on each of theses tasks, when you deal with your Task Diary. You work those tasks via your Task Diary, day after day, until they are finished. (Part of that is of course any additional email you may want to send out…)

The governing rule here is, that you have to work fast enough. That means to work on every task enough that you will finish every task soon enough.
August 17, 2022 at 17:03 | Unregistered CommenterChristopher
Thank you very much Christopher ! This is much clearer in my mind now !

Best regards
August 18, 2022 at 7:28 | Registered CommenterFabien Kieffer