The "Feeling Good" Experiment

I’m going to try a reckless experiment. I say it’s reckless because I’ve never tried anything like it before, and it could easily turn out to be a complete disaster.
What I’m going to do is to stop using all aids to time management and rely only on the “Feeling Good” method to regulate what I do.
Will it work? I’ve no idea!
But if it does, it could be really sensational.
I don’t advise anyone else to try it until I’ve discovered whether it’s feasible or not.
Reader Comments (20)
<< If you only do things that make you feel good, you will be productive. >>
That's not really quite the idea. It's more a case - at least at the beginning - of doing things that will make you feel less than good if you don't do them.
In other words you won't be feeling good if you are way behind in everthing, if you are hopelessly in debt, if your income tax return is months overdue, if you've just got the sack for inefficiency, if you never see your family, if you never get any exercise and if your weight is ballooning out of control.
I suspect you are not speaking from personal experience, Mark.
I, however, can confirm your assessment.
At random times it pops up and asks you "How good do you feel?" You answer with marks.
More on this program:
Mark is in R&D and restlessly creative. It's not surprising that he is sparking off another idea and giving it a go. The forum is probably the best place to continue any RAF discussion and I'm sure Mark will comment on any questions there.
I've also experienced some brutal truths using RAF. I don't know yet what I'll do about them, but now I know them!
<< Somewhat confused. "...stop using all aids..." Does this mean RAF is being dropped or side lined for a period of time? >>
By me, yes, for the moment. But I've specifically advised other people against using this since I have no idea how it will work out.
<< Even though I know and support that your site is about new methods, etc., I do admit that I was hoping to see the kind of discussion on this site regarding RAF that FV/FVP generated. >>
And there is no reason why it shouldn't continue. As for my own contribution to the discussion I've always been happy to advise and share my thoughts on any of my systems, whether or not I myself happen to be using it at the time.
You look rather dashing in your photo.
God Bless
very interesting aspect!
May I ask you how do you go on?
So when you ask yourself how good you feel, e.g. you rate you a 5 what task will you start with?
How do you prioritize?
A few comments from my side:
I grow up on my fathers farm so when I analyse this kind of work and compare it with my work (basically brain work at a research institute):
Farm -> crafted work:
Fixed prioritized tasks always done in a defined order no other way, in the case if I would feel bad I just start and go on after a while it was always ok and I was happy that this task was done
research institute -> brain work:
For me this is more fragile because minds can easily go away and I can be disturbed by a lot of things and thoughts
As a result for me there is a conflict and it depends on the level how does someone rate their feelings. So maybe one possiblity could be to force oneself to start with a task despite the feeling is not enough for the task.
Sure if I really feel to bad a very intensive task wouldn't make sense but what about mind tools just before the decision what to do.
For example consider:
If I should do a patent research for a new developed device and I rather would do more design work to create this new device in the best way.
Maybe it make sense to hold on just short before decide and ask yourself why I want to do this now?
As I understood the decision making in the brain can depend on the experiences someone make in the life till now, so when my experience of patent research is not exciting enough and maybe disappointing compared to the design of the new device I rather will do that.
But If I hold on a second and bring this in my mind to be aware of this processes of my mind I would decide in the other way.
What do you think about this? What are your experiences?
best regards
Thanks for your detailed questions/comments. I will be writing my findings up in due course but until then I can only repeat what I said in the blog post:
"I don’t advise anyone else to try it until I’ve discovered whether it’s feasible or not."
thanks for your contributions here. Always creative.
I am confused about the "new system" now.
Is "simple scanning" this "new system" now ?
It's where I've got to at the moment, yes.
Curious how this went...
What was the Verdict, Mark?
As a method for regulating one's emotions and motivation it has always worked very well for me and still does.
However it did not work well for me as a method for deciding what to do next, which is what I was hoping!
1/ How will I feel at the end of today?
2/ What will I allow to get me down today?
3/ How much time will I waste today?
without making any particular attempt to answer them.
They certainly felt like motivating questions at the time, maybe because at some level of consciousness I WAS answering the questions and coming up with the only predictions that would be expected of someone hoping for a productive day, thus putting me in the mindset to prove the answers justified.
Seems to be working so far. Could just be the novelty of course.
By the way I am not using the questions to replace a task list. I use a Time-Surfingesque system of a list which I refer to occasionally to check I have remembered to do things on it.