I am harly working with FVP and I am bloqued on a few questions 1. About the items do I put all items in the list ie ideas, someday tasks, planed tasks for the future OR do I put on the list nothing but what is realy actionnable in the next 15 days 2. About calls imagine I wrote "call jean about X" but I have ton let him a message. Do I cross the item and as it is un finished report "message to jean about X" .... 3. One suggestion it would be great if someone makes a video even short on a few example of common situation it is not easy to understand and I am not sure I do it the right way.
1. About the items do I put all items in the list ie ideas, someday tasks, planed tasks for the future OR do I put on the list nothing but what is realy actionnable in the next 15 days
2. About calls imagine I wrote "call jean about X" but I have ton let him a message. Do I cross the item and as it is un finished report "message to jean about X" ....
3. One suggestion it would be great if someone makes a video even short on a few example of common situation it is not easy to understand and I am not sure I do it the right way.