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« Review of the Systems: Three Task Method (3T) | Main | Review of the Systems: DWM (Day, Week, Month) »

Review of the Systems: DWM (Day, Week, Month) 2

You can find a description of DWM2 by clicking here.

Brief description

DWM2 does away with the page-a-day diary used in DWM, and instead uses a single list in which new tasks are marked with a small black circle or other suitable sign. Otherwise the system is the same as DWM.


An ordinary notebook can be used instead of a page-a-day diary, there is no wasted space on pages and all tasks are entered or re-entered at the end of the list instead of having two entry points.

Otherwise the advantages and disadvantages are the same as for DWM.


This is a rather faster and more convenient version of DWM.

Reader Comments (16)

Above you provided a link to your DWN2 system but unless you changed the title of DWN2 to AF (this is all confusing for a newbie to your site, which I'm finding fascinating), the link seems to be wrong. Could you please clarify?
October 21, 2013 at 20:12 | Unregistered CommenterJulliette
Hi, Julliette,

Yes, I'm sorry for the confusing nature of the site. It's been a hotbed of experimentation and the experiments have sometimes moved faster than the organization of the site!

The link you refer to is to a comment,not to a post. So the subject of the blog post was AF, but the comment describes an improvement to DWM.
October 22, 2013 at 9:23 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
My head is going to explode before I wrap my mind around your site, letting alone getting organized :/

You ought add distinct pages (real pages, not blog posts) for the various systems and their versions, and there if you want put links to the various blog and forum posts where they were introduced (+ anything else you want).

Blogs are for what you have done today, forums for discussions, for all the rest normal web pages are the way to go, IMHO.
February 4, 2020 at 18:04 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele

I'd just let your head explode, if I were you.

This site isn't here to sell anything, not even my systems. It's a forum for ideas and experimentation. It's best appreciated by browsing through it and letting it stimulate your own ideas.

If you want formal teaching, then buy my books.
February 4, 2020 at 19:01 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
I realized I had an add-on that made me lose the #comment10307721 part of the link, so it was a lot harder to understand what was going on; with the link to the comment is a lot better, but still some organization wouldn't hurt ;)

By the way, now that you're upgrading the site it would be best to fix the links, that currently apparently all point to the old site, and are then redirected to the current .
February 4, 2020 at 19:10 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele
Thanks for your quick answers, they are definitely a nice surprise and actually a proof that the current setup does have its virtues :)


No, I did realize that this is all free work, and I appreciate it a lot, I don't know many self-improvement authors who would disclose a dozen new time management methods directly on the internet for free rather than making two dozen books and a bunch of 1000$ courses out of them.

I just have a tendency to give suggestions when I see something I might be able to help with, I'm sorry if I came out harsh.
In this case it was also a more personal interest though: your methods seemed very interesting and I was eager to learn them, so the bumps I hit with the site, with the difficulties in finding their descriptions, were definitely a personal problem.


By the way, as for the problem of this specific link, I realized I had an add on that made me lose the #comment10307721 part of it, so it was a quite a bit more puzzling thing for me; it's possible that Julliette had a similar problem, I believe some browsers used to behave in this way when handling redirects. With the #comment10307721 it all makes a lot more sense, although a dedicated page would still be better, if you ever feel like revamping this

And, if you (still) do coaching on organisation matters, a disorganized site might not play very well with prospective clients ;)
February 4, 2020 at 21:36 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele

<< if you (still) do coaching on organisation matters >>

I don't. I've been fully retired for ten years now.
February 4, 2020 at 21:50 | Registered CommenterMark Forster

Oh I just noticed, you said "If you want formal teaching, then buy my books"; but I understood that the methods of this site had all been devised several years after your last book, isn't it so?

Don't worry, at this point I will, in any case, end up buying your books, but I indeed was under the impression that they only covered more classical stuff (and I already have a dozen of other time management books).
February 4, 2020 at 22:54 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele

My own favourite of my books is the last one, "Secrets of Productive People", which covers a lot more than just time management.
February 5, 2020 at 10:37 | Registered CommenterMark Forster

Ok, I'll have a look at it, although I'm full to the brim with books, courses and internet marketers' offers with similar (if not identical) titles.

Not your fault of course, your book might well be unique and outstanding, but I really, literally, started to feel nauseous reading that title ;-)
February 5, 2020 at 11:51 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele

I didn't have any choice over the title. The book is part of a series "Secrets of...". The publisher asked if I was interested in writing the "Productive People" title and I said yes.

The format of the book, number of chapters, number of quotes, even the number of sub-headings was laid down by the publisher. But that's actually quite a good discipline. It keeps one focused.

I wrote most of it while recovering from an autologous stem-cell transplant.
February 5, 2020 at 12:53 | Registered CommenterMark Forster

Ten years!!

How time flies when you're having fun!

Broken thanks for the thinking, support and for systems which forgive me for being me.
February 5, 2020 at 13:29 | Unregistered CommenterWill

Sorry for the medical thing, I have a friend who's gone through it too; I hope everything is right now.


So, for the Secrets book, I looked into it and it looks interesting with a lot of good reviews, I'll probably get it.

I clarify that my previous "I understood that the methods of this site had all been devised several years after your last book" (#comment21952711) was based on me ending up on your ( page which only lists your two oldest books, and assuming it was exhaustive.
So the various are expanded and explained in "The Pathway to Awesomeness" and "Secrets of Productive People"?


P.S. I've been trying for two days to post a reply at , is it stuck in moderation or it's some technical problem?
February 5, 2020 at 20:25 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele
(note: sorry for replying only now, but I've been trying to do it for two days, for some reasons it wasn't working)


Sorry for the medical thing, I have a friend who's gone through it too; I hope everything is right now.


So, for the Secrets book, I looked into it and it looks interesting with a lot of good reviews, I'll probably get it.

I clarify that my previous "I understood that the methods of this site had all been devised several years after your last book" (#comment21952711) was based on me ending up on your ( page which only lists your two oldest books, and assuming it was exhaustive.
So the various are expanded and explained in "The Pathway to Awesomeness" and "Secrets of Productive People"?
February 6, 2020 at 17:09 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele
(note: sorry for replying only now, but I've been trying to do it for three days, for some reasons it wasn't working)


Sorry for the medical thing, I have a friend who's gone through it too; I hope everything is right now.


So, for the Secrets book, I looked into it and it looks interesting with a lot of good reviews, I'll probably get it.

I clarify that my previous "I understood that the methods of this site had all been devised several years after your last book" (#comment21952711) was based on me ending up on your ( page which only lists your two oldest books, and assuming it was exhaustive.
So the various are expanded and explained in "The Pathway to Awesomeness" and "Secrets of Productive People"?
February 7, 2020 at 14:58 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele
(been trying to post this for several days, for some reasons it wasn't working, if you're reading obviously this time it did)


Sorry for the medical thing, I have a friend who's gone through it too; I hope everything is right now.


So, for the Secrets book, I looked into it and it looks interesting with a lot of good reviews, I'll probably get it.

I clarify that my previous "I understood that the methods of this site had all been devised several years after your last book" (#comment21952711) was based on me ending up on your ( page which only lists your two oldest books, and assuming it was exhaustive.
So the various are expanded and explained in "The Pathway to Awesomeness" and "Secrets of Productive People"?
February 10, 2020 at 16:45 | Unregistered CommenterGabriele

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