Autofocus: The Book Selection
A couple of days ago I posted about how I was going to test the autofocus abilities of the system by deliberately overloading it with a list of 57 books which I hadn’t got round to reading. How did I get on?
I could have posted about this before but I delayed because I didn’t want to distract from the important business of setting up testers for the new system. The reason I could have posted about this before is that the system took less than a day to sift through the books and make a selection of five for me. The weird thing is that the selection (a history of Islam, a textbook about better driving, a novel, a devotional book and a history of the events leading up to World War II) is far better balanced than I would have come up with by myself.
This is the amazing thing I am finding out about this system. Although very simple, it succeeds in balancing the rational conscious parts of my mind with the intuitive and feeling parts to produce results which I could have arrived at no other way. Just about everything I know about time management has gone into this system and the result is something so easy and obvious that it’s difficult to see why it took so long for anyone to think of it.
Reader Comments (39)
I found Mark's comment below his last blog posting "New Developments: Testers Wanted" very interesting..."I'm interested in how people actually react to the new system, which includes whether they combine it with something else, or even give up almost immediately."
The "give up almost immediately" comment suggests to me that despite our (as blog readers) perceptions that Mark's new system will automatically run our lives for us while we sun ourselves on the beach counting our lottery winnings, there might well be some hard work involved in keeping it going. I'm sure Mark will correct me if this is really NOT the case in which case I'll shall order my stockbroker to buy Mark Forster PLC shares immediately!
Nevertheless, I am excited!
My perception is that the new system is incredibly easy and anyone who starts it will find it hard to stop. Not that I imagine they will want to. However my perception needs testing against the reality of how people actually behave!
Thanks for the clarification. I must say that I continue to be truly amazed at what you are going to reveal to us...even without knowing anything about it!
Should we compile, say, a master task list of everything we've ever wanted to do in our life, or a put together a list of goals, or something similar?
There's no harm in doing either of the things you mention of course, but they are not necessary.
My new system (I must give it a name soon!) works on a very different principle from LifeBalance and similar software. The problem with LifeBalance etc is that you have to make decisions with your rational mind about what your goals and priorities are. My system is designed to balance the rational and non-rational parts of the mind so that your goals and priorities emerge from working the system itself.
My current tea maker is very good (although she could be a bit quicker at times) so I don't think I'll need this facility. However, will your system benefit from the use of a Task Diary as DIT does? The reason I ask is that it is time for me to buy another day per page diary and I tend to get a good quality one.
No, it doesn't use the Task Diary as such, though you will still need some means of scheduling future reminders, such as "Ring Jim when back from holiday" or "Check project X is still on schedule".
I'm thinking of calling it "The Autofocus Time Management System". Apart from anything else it will distinguish it from all other systems out there.
My level of intrigue for your new system is climbing in an exponential fashion! I can't wait to work with this new system.
Best wishes -- and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And most importantly...I wish peace and happiness to you and all on this site.
I think Mark read my mind. From all the frantic postings and excitement that his anouncements have caused, I did have to both pinch myself to check I wasn't dreaming and check my calendar to make sure we hadn't fast forwarded to Spring (in the UK) already. But nope, it does seem that there really is something just around the corner that is creating a HUGE buzz!
Had you thought of calling it Mark's Magic Management Method? or is that a little too silly for everyone ;-) Sorry, but it is Christmas after all...
Only one list!
I was wondering if you could reveal a "teaser" preview of at least one aspect of it. I've suspended setting up my 2009 system. This is the time of year where I set up my system framework to integrate my mail goals and responsibilities. Should I wait?
Will do! I guess changing from my current tools (a calendar and a steno pad) shouldn't
be too difficult nor necessary! Thanks
Thanks for giving us something fun to look forward to, and Happy New Year.
Certainly in the UK, a group focused around ATM discussions might attract an unhealthy interest from the fraud police. <grin>
I don't have all the answers yet, this being quite new. But one suggestion. I don't have an IPhone but my mobile phone has a voice recorder facility which I find useful for recording all those thoughts that come into my mind when I'm away from my desk. I can then copy any tasks onto my list when I get back to the desk.
A question re your books - once Autofocus had selected your five books did you leave the remaining books on the list or allow them to be rejected? Whilst I would assume that, as you presumably want to read them at some point, most would stay on the list, they could be there for a long time .......... Just curious :-)
I highlighted the books in accordance with the instructions. That means I can review them easily.
Thanks Mark
I just discovered your web site and I'm having a great time exploring it.
I don't think there are any more details. I just wrote the titles of all the books into AF as individual tasks and followed the standard rules for the system.