To Think About . . .

Nothing is foolproof because fools are ingenious. Anon




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Getting Going Again: Day 2 Report

I finished my Will Do list today at about 12.30 p.m., just in time for lunch. Everything has been pretty effortless so far, which is encouraging.

The most important thing I did today was the item “Think about the future of my business”. That actually only took me about ten minutes, but generated a whole stream of other “Think abouts”, including:

Think about:

how to blog regularly
new subjects for seminars
collecting subjects for future articles
subjects for another book
increasing sales of existing books
using audio/video/teleclass formats
joint projects
increasing website circulation
monetarising my website

I’ve scheduled these forward over the next two weeks in my Task Diary, and added at the end the all-important “Think about the future of my business again”.

The great thing about the Do It Tomorrow system is that it enables one to keep the momentum going.

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Reader Comments (6)

Hi Mark
Just being you have a set time for opening up the office mentality? Also, do you use Noon as your target closing time? I can't deduce much on a two day data log! LOL!
It may seem a bit ridiculous, but reading about your endeavors seems to help me be more enthusiastic about my own......hmmmmmm......I wonder why....maybe it's that body double phenonenum that people talk about...the phantom incentive of feeling like a part of a greater whole effort...It's alway illuminating to bounce off experiences and knowledge to create new thoughts and experiences.....who knows why...but this really exciting to watch the Master journeying through his own innovation!

I await the next day's data/progress with abated breath! LOL!

I might be over-stretching my welcome but, I feel compelled to ask......Do you aim for a *what's better?* entry daily, or weekly, or what other interval?

February 21, 2008 at 17:03 | Unregistered Commenterlearning as I go
Both these last two days I started work about 8.30 a.m. but had breakfast after that. My aim at the moment is to start first thing and get it all done as quickly as possible. Once I've got the whole Will Do list done I can do what I like - even answer blog comments!

I think though that over the next few days and weeks the amount on the list will increase considerably as I start to move forward, so I'll soon be looking back to the days when I could finish at noon with nostalgia.

If you're using the "what's better?" method (which I'm not at the moment), it should ideally be done daily. But as always, there's no law about any of this. It's what you find works best for you that counts.
February 21, 2008 at 17:16 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Out of interest, what is your normal expected output from a thinking task? I find myself thinking about things and jotting down notes, but not turning the ideas into actions.
February 21, 2008 at 17:58 | Unregistered CommenterDavid
Hi David

The essential thing with thinking tasks is to realise that the whole point of them is to generate tasks in the Task Diary.
February 21, 2008 at 18:21 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
This article contains great collection of services that are helpful to grow our business popularity. Some of services describe in this post like business owner should blogging, add new project, increasing sales of existing books etc these services helps to growing our business. Thanks to describe this post. I agree with your opinion .
May 17, 2012 at 6:52 | Unregistered CommenterBusiness Development
Business Development:

"This article contains great collection of services that are helpful to grow our business popularity."

... Excellent point.

"Some of services describe in this post like business owner should blogging,..."

... Best observation I've ever read.

"...add new project, increasing sales of existing books etc these services helps to growing our business."

... Mark would do well to continue providing you these services to helps growing your business. We'd all do well to helps growing your business.

"Thanks to describe this post. I agree with your opinion ."

... And let me take this opportunity to thanks you. I agree with your opinion .
May 20, 2012 at 3:43 | Registered CommenterMichael B.

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