New Current Initiative
Having cleared my paper backlog yesterday (hurrah! hurrah!), I am starting a new Current Initiative today. This is to sort out my office. If I do it properly (as opposed to just a surface clean and tidy) it is a big job because it involves sorting out such things as the best locations for the furniture, computer, printer, phone, fax, etc, and also weeding and revising my filing system, and moving things to storage or dumping them altogether.
There are several ways I could tackle this:
- Empty everything out of the office and start again from scratch.
- Break the project up into a series of smaller areas and deal with each of them as a separate Current Initiative.
- Pay someone else to do it for me
But the way I am actually going to do it is using a “What’s Better?” list. This is a technique from my book How To Make Your Dreams Come True. All it involves is writing out a list of everything that is better about my office today. I ignore things that are worse or the same. The idea is that doing this focusses one’s mind on the growth points. And on the principle that what you pay attention to grows, those growth points will then grow further and faster.
In the book it is used as a way of measuring one’s progress during the day in general - and I know from experience that it is a very powerful way of moving forward. Will it work for a specific project like this? I’ve no idea. The reason I chose this method is precisely because I wanted to see what would happen.
Anyway I’ve got one thing that can go on my list already: I’ve written a blog entry about it. That must be something that’s better!
Reader Comments (3)
Lions, and tigers and bears, OH, MY!!!!!!
I've been dodging paring down my 2007 papers! LOL!
....and I've been dodging improving the office/work room (I intermingle the mundane and the blissful into one large room I fondly call the brain room! LOL!)
Since last year, I've done THREE other rooms using a hybrid of Flylady's system and your what's better into a project/tracking format! LOL! Of course, when the only impedement was money, I'd focus on something else in another room....driven by wanting to include another "What's better?" on the project tracking list.
My will do list is sandwhich between Current Initiative and What's better? daily. I can't ALWAYS complete a permanent What's better, but just seeing it on my list spurs me on to do something that could also double as something on my daily gratitudes list.
Hmmmmmm.....maybe with a phantom partner embarking on the same two endeavors, I'll get a better result!
Yes, I'm going to crunch out my current initiative ASAP to begin this! Nothing beats working shoulder to shoulder with the Master, Himself! LOL!
Keep us posted......(this reminds me of when I was young, listening to radio serials, a little bit of the story each day and running to my room to illustrate the day's story to make a book so I could enjoy the radio story again in the future! I love the Mark Forster's Journey Home Chronicles....same time,,,,same station tomorrow....
When I did the other three rooms, I had fun strategizing all aspects, color impact, desired mood enhancers, comfort/utility etc....yet,...sometimes, I realized that it was similar to testing out a beta expect patches and work arounds from everything from ergonomics, to traffic patterns, testing the MAINTENANCE demands, etc....
I always expect to tweak things....that's why I'd sometimes intentionally do some of my paintings in oils rather than allow myself into blissful forays into tweaking it! Having to do revisions with building furniture isn't always a blissful tweaking session......Wood costs money! LOL!
But I always love the entire process, even it includes "not REALLY knowing" until you're knee deep into it! LOL!
Interim Failures aren't convenient but they are a necessary component of experimentation/mastery, yeah? They are WONDERFUL for shoring up determination and, later, SATISFACTION/MASTERY!!!!! LOL! LOL! LOL! This stuff fires me up!!!!!!
This is really going to be exciting, see how you formulate your strategy, schematics, etc....