"Do It Tomorrow" revision on its way
After all the lessons which I’ve learned through developing the various versions of Autofocus, I thought it was time to look again at Do It Tomorrow and see whether any of these lessons could be used to improve it. The answer is a resounding “Yes!”
I’m now testing out what I hope will be the final version of my revisions, and I hope to publish it fairly soon in the form of a supplement to DIT, which will be free of charge.
The revision keeps the basic structure of DIT, especially the concept of “one day’s work in one day” which was its most innovative feature. However the system is now more flexible and responsive to what goes on during the day. In particular it can now cope extremely well with tasks that need to be done more than once a day. The Current Initiative is streamlined and is better integrated into the system as a whole.
The biggest difference is in the “audit procedure”. Instead of being just a recommendation, it is now incorporated into the system in such a way that it happens automatically. No thought needed!
How does DIT now compare to AF? Well, it now seems to be as responsive as AF, is a universal capture system like AF, and forces one much quicker to either do something or discard it. I’m hoping that it will hold up well under the further testing that I will be giving it.
Reader Comments (22)
My supplement to DIT will assume knowledge of the system. So if you want to use DIT2 you will need to buy/borrow/steal the book, yes.
Thanks a lot, Mark for reappearing in Internet :-).
Many of us are using something portable (pocket moleskine or iphone) to carry around with us. Our day is full of meetings, traveling, etc....
You mentioned that you are using an A4 notebook with two columns. Could you please include a small portable notebook in your experiment to see how that would fit in your system?
<< Could you please include a small portable notebook in your experiment to see how that would fit in your system? >>
I need to get the basic system right first.
I guess you could call it a private beta (alpha). Perhaps others can discovered the "kinks" in the system that will help you to modify it before the public beta.
So, instead of putting it off till tomorrow, why not do it today (release it today).
So, instead of putting it off till tomorrow, why not do it today (release it today).
Are you that presumptive to ask the author of Do It Tomorrow to break his own protocol? LOL!
learning as I go
Your excellency,
We've survived far worse dictatorships than living under the rule of your kind and genteel soul. I'll gladly make do with my humble weekly version of AF if it means that your exclusive use of DIT2 to harness and project your power will overtake the current numbskulls who are perverting our governments. I'll gladly make the sacrifice in the service of mankind!
A grateful DIT sheeple
LOL. The dream of world domination has limited utility. Just ask those who tried it in the past (e.g., Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Hitler, etc.).
So, I would suggest that you try a more benevolent approach (e.g., Mother Theresa, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama) and spread your teaching & benevolence to everyone in the world (ha, ha).
You're preaching to the choir in Mark's case. His benevolence is one of the ruling characteristic of his persona, followed closely by his wonderfully eccentric humor!
learning as I go
I like the idea of the "one day's work" for one day. It's highly teachable to employees and helps when determining if a new employee can be hired. . . .
Thanks for the email letting me know you were doing this. I haven't been here in months!
I hope you don't mind me asking, but I just wondered if your revision to DIT was ever published. It is a great system, and if you had fine tuned the principles in your book, that would be amazing. My apologies in advance if the revision is on your excellent site and I have just missed it.
<< I hope you don't mind me asking, but I just wondered if your revision to DIT was ever published. It is a great system, and if you had fine tuned the principles in your book, that would be amazing. >>
No, it wasn't. I actually have trouble now remembering what it consisted of. But I think it ran into problems and didn't work out as well as I'd hoped.