Italian version of "Do It Tomorrow" now on sale
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 8:59
The Italian version of “Do It Tomorrow” published by Sangiovanni’s is now on sale (price € 15.95). You can read more details (in Italian) and order by clicking here.
Reader Comments (8)
Congratulations on the Italian version, Mark ^___^
Hmmm, you are trying to take over the world, aren't you Mark?
Apparently you can't say "time management" either!
They give the explanation on their website:
DIT —Do It Tomorrow— il nuovo acronimo che sta cambiando le regole del Time Management facendo proseliti in tutto il mondo illustra le ragioni che stanno dietro l'insuccesso della maggioranza dei sistemi di gestione temporale rivelando i trucchi e le tattiche avanzate per gestire il tempo efficientemente generando la massima produttivita... senza stress.
About the translation, yes, apart from the acronym reason, sometimes English terms are left in original when the translator judges they would lose their strength, especially when the meaning remains clear anyway (and Paul, you forgot to mention "life coach")
I would love to see it in Spanish, both the European and South American versions. If you can interest a publisher in it that would be great.
Looking forward to see you in Italy, will you?