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« Review of the Systems: SuperFocus | Main | Review of the Systems: Three Task Method (3T) »

Review of the Systems: AF4-3T

The rules for AF4-3T can be found by clicking here.

Brief Summary

As its name suggests, this system is a combination of AF4 and the 3T Method, in which AF4 is used to feed 3T with tasks.


It is more thorough than AF4 because of the emphasis on finishing tasks which 3T brings. Because unfinished tasks do not get re-entered in the Open List, the Open List is more manageable than in AF4


It has the same disadvantage as 3T in that progress can be slow if more than one large task is included in the three tasks.


This is a very powerful method and represents a considerable step forward in the efficacy of these systems.

Reader Comments (4)

Did we ever looked at FV-3T ?
There were some recent discussion in "Finishing Projects Quickly"
December 11, 2012 at 9:00 | Unregistered Commentersabre23t
I have spent hours reading the posts and comments for best practices for getting up and running with FV, and have to say I'm left feeling confused about the best way to get started. If someone could summarize the essentials for getting up and running with the best refinements to date, that would be incredibly helpful. I'd love to get started very soon!
January 1, 2013 at 16:21 | Unregistered CommenterRobbin Whittington

First, be sure you have the FV instructions. They can be found to the right of the page by clicking "View Our Archive". Follow the instructions on how to work the system and additionally use the approach Mark describes below:

"My own way of looking at the chain is that the first task is due to be done *now*. So the question is basically "I'm due to do X now, but is there anything I want/need to do before I do it?"

Another way of looking at the list is that you do the tasks on it in order, but you are allowed to complete any particularly pressing tasks out of order. They may be pressing because of time constraints or simply because you want to get them done.

Both these ways of looking at the list encourage shorter rather than longer chains."

All the best!
January 8, 2013 at 13:46 | Registered CommenterMichael B.
Thank you, Michael!
January 9, 2013 at 21:04 | Unregistered CommenterRobbin Whittington

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