What next?
Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 0:59
Now that I’m beginning to recover from the flu (or whatever it was), I’m turnng my mind to what I should be doing next.
Here are some of the SuperFocus-related projects which I want to get under way:
- Next issue of the newletter
- A video (or perhaps even a series of videos) on how to implement SuperFocus
- Some short (half-day) seminars
- Daily tips
- Guest postings on how people are using SuperFocus
- Teleclasses
- Re-design website so it is SuperFocus focused
- Write an e-book on SuperFocus
I’m sure I shall think of some more things to put on the list. Anyone else have any suggestions?
Reader Comments (23)
Could you, as you might, connect the dots between super focus and one's personal calendaring? Is there a connection that might be helpful?
Thank you.
Exciting days ahead here I suspect, and I look forward to all your great ideas. And with all the wonderful contributors to add to this mix, its about the best place to be on the web.
And here I was thinking things would tail off after Superfocus was released.
The video, daily tips, and guest postings are particularly enticing; not to mention the eBook.
I have two suggestions. The first might say more about my impoverished state of affairs (and therefore may be an unhelpful suggestion to the wider community), so feel free to judge it harshly. The second is a little left field, but I'd encourage you not to dismiss immediately.
1. SF Troubleshoot Guide (aka. How Not to SF).
I'm aware this might be a variation on 'Daily Tips', but I'm conscious of how easily led astray I am. I'm equally amazed at the ease of differing applications (and interpretations) of SF depending on the individual and their 'task-driven environment'. An example might be: 'If you're still on the same page at the end of the day'; and unpacking the reasons why this might be the case.
2. The SF Guide for Young People / Families
I rue the fact that I didn't properly look into TM until my late 20s (and then MF/DIT in my early 30s), And as someone who works in child development, I am reminded everyday of how hard much easier it is to establish good habits if those habits are introduced from an early age. In retrospect, most (if not all) my frequent failings and pitfalls with SF relate to allowing myself ot slip back into old habits. SF is not a particularly complicated TM system and there is no reason why it can't be established from an early age (akin to Tony Buzan and his use of MindMaps with childern - some of you might have seen the TV programmes in the UK of Tony Buzan using MindMaps in struggling schools to great effect). What about exploring the possibility of how to introduce SF from a young age? I'm certainly keen to introduce it to my children when they're a little older (old enough to read, that is), so they don't have to go through my tortured experience of having to unlearn (again and again) old habits which hinder me.
That's how I found DIT.
There are some unique issues based on how a GTD user perceives normal use of project lists, calendars, agendas, tasks (next actions), batching and agendas.
I'm sure there's a good and entertaining answer. Self directed education centers (eg Montessori ) may point the way.
<< I think I remember reading a post of yours that I interpreted you as saying that you'd be posting something along those lines (how to implement for various types of tasks/situations...something like that). >>
In fact I've already done that:
However I think there's scope for a more systematic treatment, so I'll put your suggestion on my list.
<< Could you, as you might, connect the dots between super focus and one's personal calendaring? >>
Could you expand a bit on what aspects you'd like covered here?
I get a lot of people writing to me for permission to write apps for various AF versions, so hopefully there won't be a shortage for SF!
I found your live session and Andreas' subsequent animation of AF4 very effective as a learning tool. I wonder if it would be worth repeating a similar experiment with Superfocus and / or including it as part of some sort online learning package?
I could certainly do another demonstration, but I don't think it would be quite so easy to do an animation of it since it can't be all done on one page like AF4. I'll see what Andreas thinks.
I would personally like to see covered in the ebook how to practically integrate SF task management methodology into a broader "life management" methodology (, ie Covey and Lakein "top down", goal settings kind of approach). Ive been reading through the forum a lot lately, and AF systems are described by some as promoting a"bottom-up" approach, with the criticism that one could spend a lot of time doing the most mundane things at the expense of effectively and regularly tackling the most important, potentially life-changing things (Lakin As, Covey quadrant II, ZTD Big Rocks & MITs). I know that Mark is against systematic prioritizing in a time management sytem, but im pretty certain that his way of using his own systems make sure that the personally important, long term goals stuff dosent get drowned out in the process of getting things done. Maybe how he does this can be found in his "how to make your dreams come true" book, I havent read it yet, but it would be of great help to see explicitly described by Mark himself how to practically integrate the SF methodology of tasks management into a long-term, "bigger picture" type of reflexion. Or maybe Mark has finally come to the conclusion that setting long term goals for oneself is of little value (cf the brilliant post "goalless living"), which is fine and actually resonates strongly with me. Anyways, i think it would be really nice to know how Mark sees the integration his SF "task management" system within a broader "life management" reflexion.
Another thing that dosent seem very clear reading the forums, is the integration of task management and project management. There has been an interesting discussion in the forum about that (the one about looseleaf notebooks), but nothing really clear-cut and practical from Mark himself. There is the added problem that many people come from GTD wich has its own definition of "project", so it would be nice to see clearly worded by Mark himself, with practical advices, about how to use the SF task management methodology to help oneself getting projects done.
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I've written on the relationship between time and project management quite extensively and consistently over the years. To save digging up old posts, what I think can be summed up as follows:
"Time management and project management are separate disciplines. Any time management system can be used with any project management system - or none"
"A project should be managed as much as it needs to be managed, no more and no less."
I find with people coming from GTD the main problem is getting them out of thinking that every project has to be managed to the same degree.
In short, i think it would be welcome to read in the SF ebook just a little more about projects and how they relate to the SF method of time management with practical examples, because it is still not clear to me, and i'm willing to bet, to many others as well.
Oh, and for the record, even though i have read about GTD, i have never used it, nor ANY other time managment system for that matter, and as a consequence my life is currently a disastrous mess which i need to dig myself out of, hence my interest towards time management...
<< What i would like to see from you is real practical examples on HOW you would link your time management system (currently SF) with a project - or not , and WHY.>>
Well, hopefully this will be covered by the Demonstration and other tasks on my What Next? List.
Yes, it's my intention to use the blog for this, not the discussion forum.