Key Principles of the New System I: The Time Equation

One of the unique features of Do It Tomorrow was that it was based on the novel idea that the average amount of work coming in each day must equal the average amount of work going out each day. In other words one’s “Out Tray” must contain the same amount of work as one’s “In Tray”. I say “novel idea” because, although it seems incredibly obvious once it’s pointed out, very few people indeed seem to take on work on that basis.
DIT was the first time management system that I am aware of to make this equation its basis.
In the subsequent systems which I developed - AutoFocus, SuperFocus and the like - this principle tended to be lost sight of in favour of trying to find a balance between the rational conscious parts of the brain and the intuitive unconscious parts.
In the new Final Version system the time equation has been re-established - albeit in a more flexible format than in DIT. Unlike DIT, the system has been designed to be self-adjusting so that there will only be the right amount of work in the system for the amount of time available. At the same time the principle of balancing the rational and intuitive brain has also been adhered to, making a synthesis between the unique principles of DIT and the subsequent systems.
The result is an easier, more flexible and self-adjusting time equation and a better balance between the rational and intuitive, thus getting the best of both worlds.
Reader Comments (22)
On topic: Input=Output is a good idea if you can make it work. I've been trying a similar constraint in my home AF system with mixed success.
<< I've been trying a similar constraint in my home AF system with mixed success. >>
It's not a constraint - it happens automatically.
They are not simply dropped.
It may be better to name the new system as "AutoFocus TE" if this system is similar to AutoFucs, or "SuperFocus TE" if similar to SuperFocus.
Ah, so the Final Version is, as I suppose, also time based, like DWM. Is the "1-2-7" still in the system or has it evolved out of it?
<< Ah, so the Final Version is, as I suppose, also time based, like DWM. >>
I think I said already that it was partly based on DWM.
<< Is the "1-2-7" still in the system or has it evolved out of it? >>
It's still there - whatever it means.
<< I'm dusting off my diary/planner in anticipation! >>
An ordinary notebook (or electronic equivalent) is all that is needed.
Thanks for this piece, Mark.
<< Today, tomorrow, next week? >>
Wild guesses will get you nowhere!
<< if this system is similar to AutoFucs >>
Now that really would be a system!
<At the same time the principle of balancing the rational and intuitive brain has also been adhered to, making a synthesis between the unique principles of DIT and the subsequent systems.>
I find this very interesting indeed. Particularly so as I have routinely switched between DIT and AF over the last few years because I miss the features mentioned of each. The features seem juxtaposed. So I do wonder how this can be reconciled!
it sounds like you may actually hit very close to absolutely right when
balancing rational/intuitive with hours available to produce in a system that "begs" for more work.
I've always loved DIT over the AF/SF systems.
How about calling it the MF Productivity System? You could market it as the Maximum Focus, but know it stands for Mark Forster. ;)
<< Even though I doubt it will be truly final even if you waited 10 years to release it, >>
It's final in the sense that I intend it to be the final system that I produce.