Some more characteristics
Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 21:50
Here’s some more characteristics of the Final Version which I wrote down more or less at random while working the system today:
- The system is self-regulating in that it adjusts the amount of work in the system to the amount of time available to do it.
- There is a built in check on the number of urgent tasks.
- It quickly removes projects which are going nowhere from the system.
- Only active stuff remains in the system.
- There is one very clear condition about when tasks that have been removed from the system can be re-entered.
- The number of daily recurring tasks is kept under control.
All these things happen naturally in response to your rate of work, psychological readiness and time available. There are no imposed quotas or limits.
Reader Comments (19)
Good to hear from you again.
It will be later rather than sooner - because I want this one to be absolutely right.
Your strength has become your weakness on this one. Please beware this trap you've set for yourself.
"because I want it to be absolutely right." If that is the case, we will never see it.
You've been down this path before having thought AF1 or another version was "right."
Some versions already made will continue to be "absolutely right" for those who like using them.
Absolutely right is a very vague phantom to chase and one that you can never catch. What are some objectives you desire to accomplish related to this system before you release it? Is that a realistic goal? In your desire for absolute correctness, is that becoming an excuse to avoid possible disagreements on the system that is currently working very well for you?
I love the work you do too much to let you hide with this phantom goal of "absolutely right."
Well, I know how to get around that one. Next Q&A, I'll be asking my Future Self to spill the beans.
<< How does it handle nasty tasks that you don't want to do, but need to be done? >>
Get someone else to do them for you.
You're absolutely right, Robert.
<< I'll be asking my Future Self to spill the beans. >>
You might do better to ask mine.
Re: asking your Future Self for the low-down on your new system,
I don't think I'm the best person to do that, so I hereby delegate that task to you. ;)
I will look in next week to see how you are getting on with that.
<< asking your Future Self for the low-down on your new system,
I don't think I'm the best person to do that, so I hereby delegate that task to you. ;) >>
Getting this system right is the first and least significant (but necessary) step in a five-stage vision.
Like giving salt to a horse to make it drink. You make think about your new system often now.
Any Release date ?
Like most of us I'm ready to be a beta tester if you need one :)
Ok, I've put in a task "Blog Key Principles of New System".
> It will be later rather than sooner - because I want this one to be absolutely right.
Very good idea, IMHO.