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Final Version a great success!

The Final Version has now gone out to over 4,000 subscribers and the feed-back has been uniformly good. It seems to have really caught people’s imagination.

I’m now in the process of writing the second issue of the Final Version newsletter which should be out in a few days.

Other projects which are featuring large in my FV list are getting the booking opened and other preparations finalized for the Q & A session on 16th April and drawing up a schedule of further teleconfence calls and seminars.

Reader Comments (10)

Hi, Mark,
I signed up for the newsletter, and I received a welcome email but no instructions for FV. Is there something else I am supposed to do?

March 31, 2012 at 15:53 | Unregistered CommenterCilla

The instructions are sent out in batches several times a day, but as I'm in Australia at the moment my day is probably not your day. If you have not received the instructions within 24 hours of signing up, please email me at
March 31, 2012 at 22:47 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
I am similarly waiting for the FV instructions!
April 1, 2012 at 9:34 | Unregistered CommenterNicky
Just subscribed! And looking forward to following more. Thanks Mark!

Best from Paris, Brad
April 1, 2012 at 10:13 | Unregistered CommenterBrad Patterson

I can't do anything about it without knowing your email address, so if you still haven't received the instructions please contact me at
April 1, 2012 at 12:02 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Mark, received the instructions shortly after your note, and have been working on FV all week-end--wow, it is really working great for me!

April 2, 2012 at 16:20 | Unregistered Commentercilla
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May 6, 2012 at 19:51 | Unregistered CommenterTemporary Car Insurance
Mark: One of your initial posts illustrating the FV showed pages from a loose leaf notebook (many were guessing about what the "dots" were for). The notebook looked very nice and appeared to be leather. What kind (brand?) of notebook was it and where can you buy them?

May 10, 2012 at 4:33 | Unregistered Commentermarshall spradling
I'm a regular visitor of you site and like all your new updated. The final version a great success is good.
August 3, 2012 at 20:40 | Unregistered CommenterTime Clock
I like the final version, although I sometimes find myself not finishing the mini-list and therefore not getting to the harder, but often more important, tasks. I think I need to be more flexible with the mini-list, with the big goal of getting the One Big Goal done regardless of the rest.

I was surprised to see you back to experimenting with af4 type stuff. The final version wasn't final then? I am trying to solidify my style and get out of meta-work and into actual work, so chasing yet more ideas seems counterproductive for me personally at this point in my life ... unless of course you come up with something that is just incredibly better.
October 13, 2013 at 20:23 | Unregistered CommenterHere

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