The Future of My Newsletter
Thank you to the many people who commented in the Discussion Forum or by email on the future of my newsletter. There are far too many for me to be able to thank you individually, but I do appreciate your taking the time and trouble to reply.
Without a doubt the winning option was Option B:
b. The newsletter repeats major articles which also appears on the blog. In that case it would be acting as a convenience for people who don’t for whatever reason want to read the blog, but do want some input.
So that is what I shall be doing - but I will also include links to anything else I consider might be worthwhile looking at on the blog.
Just for your information, the newsletter goes to just under 5,000 subscribers. I aim to keep it regularly weeded so that it doesn’t go above that total. By comparison the website is visited by up to 40,000 individuals a month. However, because the newsletter represents the “core” people who are interested in my work, it is by far the best vehicle for publicizing my seminars, etc. Another growing “core” is subscribers to the blog feeds, who number about 750.
And by the way, if you’re not already a subscriber to the newsletter, then you can sign up right here:
Email addresses will not be used for any other purpose, and every issue of the newsletter has an Unsubscribe button so it’s just as easy to Unsubscribe as to Subscribe!
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