To Think About . . .

It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you place the blame. Oscar Wilde




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Top Five On-Line Discussions

Congratulations everyone! We have been featured on Whakake’s Top Five Online Discussion Picks

“Mark Forster’s forums on his website and the Yahoo! Groups had many excellent topics, including how to tackle large projects and how to overcome a lack of motivation. Mark Forster gave his insight on these issues: the “Do It Tomorrow” (DIT) system gives the user complete freedom on how to tackle a large project, whether it comes down to finishing it at one sitting, working on it for a set period of time,or spending “timed bursts” of five minutes to get going. These fundamental methods to DIT (including working out daily closed lists) also help a person stay on top of work and hence stay motivated.”

Reader Comments (3)


I had almost forgotten about the Yahoo group. I'm wondering when it's more suitable to use the forum and when to use the Yahoo group.
October 22, 2008 at 18:02 | Unregistered CommenterAlex W.
Although I'm a member of it, the Yahoo group is quite independent of me and I am not the owner or moderator. It tends to be much wider-ranging than the discussions here, and doesn't confine itself to "Do It Tomorrow" in spite of the name of the group. There's also much less input by myself - I comment only occasionally and don't necessarily read all the posts. Some of the discussions are very helpful and participants are very honest about their difficulties.

On this forum I will reply to all the posts and comments that seem to need a reply. The discussion is much more focussed specifically on my work, and to some extent acts as a "help line".
October 23, 2008 at 9:55 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Mark, thanks for the clarification.
October 23, 2008 at 21:54 | Unregistered CommenterAlex W.

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