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« New Developments Update No. 4 | Main | Autofocus »

New Developments Update No. 3

I’m finishing for the evening now, but before I go I promised to let you know how I got on with the 30 new tasks from yesterday which weren’t actioned that same day.

I completed 24 of them today, leaving 6 still outstanding.

That means that of the 66 new tasks put into the system yesterday, 55 per cent were done on the same day, 36 per cent were done the next day, and 9 per cent are taking longer.

By my calculations that means that the average time to action each item is less than one day (bearing in mind that some items come in late in the day, and some get actioned early in the day).

Not bad!

Reader Comments (7)

This sounds very good, Mark. Are the tasks that are taking longer due to their complexity? This is common for me -- I can have several tasks on my will-do list that I get done fairly quickly, but there are always those tasks that can take 2-4 days to complete.

Again, I am so excited about this new system from what I have heard from you!

Best wishes,
December 20, 2008 at 22:16 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Drake
Can I put in for beta testing? I'm in naturopathic medical school (medical school for holistic docs), as well as raising five children with a partner who typically works 55+ hours a week - with irregular hours in the pm and weekends - and my schedule changes from school quarter to quarter. Between the heavy loads at school, the kids, the usual bits of life, and never knowing if a server is going to crash somewhere and thus remove my partner from the evening's task load, I'm desperate for something that could accommodate my reality - and not require lots of time to maintain the system!

Best, Les W
December 21, 2008 at 1:46 | Unregistered CommenterLes

I'll be giving everyone a chance to volunteer as beta testers in about two weeks time (treat this as very approximate).
December 21, 2008 at 8:39 | Registered CommenterMark Forster

No, there's no particular distinguishing feature about the tasks that haven't got done versus the ones that have, other than that there is no degree of urgency about them. In any case complexity wouldn't be much of a problem as the system encourages a "little and often" approach. You may have noticed for instance how fast I am now replying to comments - that's because instead of doing them in one batch once a day I am dealing with them four or five times a day. It's much less ponderous and more free-flowing.
December 21, 2008 at 8:47 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
I'm liking this Mark--keeping my fingers crossed for you.
December 21, 2008 at 16:58 | Unregistered CommenterTK
Hi Mark,

This keeps sounding better and better -- I like what I am hearing! I am hoping to see this in a couple of weeks!

Best wishes,
December 21, 2008 at 20:36 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Drake
So am I!
December 21, 2008 at 23:00 | Registered CommenterMark Forster

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