To Think About . . .

It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you place the blame. Oscar Wilde




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She's only just got started

Here’s an update from my daughter in Australia, posted with her permission, (not the same daughter who did the Bridgathon in London with me two years ago). It’s very relevant to my recently reposted article “Feeling Good”

In just over two months’ time we will be moving again, the third time in nine months. This will be the last time hopefully for at least thirty or more years, as we have found our forever home. Only a couple of kilometres away from where we are currently living.
Twenty one acres, house set up on a hill looking over a valley, log cabin style with verandas (but well built and well-insulated!). Creek running through it with trout fishing, powered entertainment area down on the creek, comes with a separate fully self-contained guest house. Orchard, space for animals, and some bush/forest perfect for motorbike tracks. All for a price we can easily afford.
I totally believe all this amazing stuff that keeps on happening in our lives comes from that one decision back in January 2016 to just be happy. Because I wasn’t, I was very very far from it back then. I decided not to wait for circumstances to change before I could find happiness, but to find happiness despite everything being far from perfect, and then I found that all my circumstances changed for the better as a result. And despite things not always being easy, always always returning to that decision to be happy no matter what. Even in the darkest times when I was terrified that my own dad was going to die, to choose to find it in the smallest of things and to express my gratitude every single day.
In the eighteen or so months since then, I’ve lost weight but become totally comfortable in my body regardless of how much weight I’m carrying, I’ve more than tripled my income, my family’s health has improved out of sight, my dad has been diagnosed with cancer again, struggled through gruelling treatment, been paralysed in his legs and arms, given up treatment long before the end, but come out the other side and made a recovery nothing short of miraculous (achieving 10,000 steps the other day!), sold our house in three weeks in a town where nothing else had sold for years, moved states, made amazing new connections and friendships, built two successful businesses that I love, somehow managed to persuade a bank to give us a mortgage despite being self-employed without an income from my husband, and no qualifying income from the previous two years! Moved into the most amazing new shop, and found our forever home.
You might look at my life and feel jealousy or resentment or think that I’m just a lucky bitch who got great opportunities, but I’m telling you, it all came with a change of attitude, and a refusal to go back to the previous negative, pessimistic attitude, no matter what. My life might not appeal to you at all, but you have the capacity to built exactly the life that’s right for you, no matter what your current circumstances.
Now to just wait for settlement and moving in day, then we’re off to the Sunshine Coast for a big family holiday. Shit might go wrong, circumstances very well might change, but I’m relaxed in the knowledge that I can handle it no matter what, and in the long run, those apparently negative things will lead to even better things. And you better believe there’s better things coming because really, I’ve only just got started. 

Reader Comments (6)

Thanks to you and your daughter so, so much for posting this. For very personal reasons, this is speaking to me very powerfully right now and it's opened a door in my head and heart. I really needed this.

Best of luck to you both!
August 14, 2017 at 1:51 | Unregistered CommenterMike Brown
There's so much food for thought here - a banquet. Makes my own current move from the family home of 31 years to a flat on the other side of the country look a trivial affair - yet it feels like climbing a mountain.

It also throws a little more light on what you've been coping with, Mark. Renewed good wishes for that.

I'll probably be processing this in my journalling session this morning.

I really want to know what a powered entertainment area is. I haven't got one of those.

August 14, 2017 at 7:31 | Unregistered CommenterChris Cooper
Thank you very much for posting this on your blog, Mark, - a wonderfully upllifting article. You must be very proud of your family - and they must be very proud of you!

Best wishes to you all.
August 14, 2017 at 14:11 | Unregistered CommenterMargaret
Great post and an inspiration!
I certainly agree that happiness comes from attitude and approaching life in a positive way. Being content with what you have got and living in the present is key. Happiness does not come from material things as the novelty wears off over time.
Oh yes, and being on top of things and a small backlog makes me very happy.
August 14, 2017 at 17:36 | Unregistered CommenterMrBacklog
Just come back to Mark's blog/website after being away for several years. What an upliting blog which mirrors the thoughts I in book on Happiness I have just read and I am starting to apply. Good luck with the move (daughter) and the health (all, especially Mark) and I will continue on my happiness journey which includes getting better control over tasks, probably via some for of AF (again).
Thanks and big love David
September 3, 2017 at 18:07 | Unregistered CommenterDavid W
You should feel so much pride from this. Best wishes.
September 13, 2017 at 5:08 | Unregistered CommenterScott

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