"How To Make Your Dreams Come True"
I feel that I’ve taken SuperFocus about as far as I can for the time being, and so I have turned my attention back to my second book (of three) How To Make Your Dreams Come True. This book is now out of print, but you can download it for free by clicking here.
I’m seriously thinking of re-writing this book as an e-book. It’s very different both in content and style from my other two books, and I think the style tended to put many people off. What I think is needed is a clear manual which is much easier to follow.
In the meantime, many of the issues raised by Dreams are being explored by the Forum members. See the threads:
Personal Experience with Mark’s “How To Make…”
What to Expect Initially From Dreams
I would welcome input, either in the Comments to this post or in the Forum, from anyone who has used or is using the Dreams principles.
Reader Comments (26)
Love it!
My aim in writing the manual will be to make the methods more accessible, and also to update them. It will contain examples. And of course the original book will still be available on-line for those who want it.
<< One suggestion: replace "Future Vision" with "Ideal" >>
At the moment I'm favouring the terms Future Reality and Present Reality, which I find add a bit of focus to the vision and give a more definite place of "residence" for the Future Self.
<< Unless you're too cheap to use their conversion service >>
It's free if delivered over WiFi.
Also I find coaches tend to be circular in applying their own methods. It's like salesmen who sell sales lessons and artists who paint about art, and writers who write about writing: They connect to their peers but not the general public. A book that teaches dream pursuit by example of dreaming about mastering dream fulfillment techniques - I don't know if your book is like this, but it's my impression of the format.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel presumptuous to talk about Future Reality and Future Self, when I really don't know if it's anything like the actual future. I prefer to think of a Potential Self.
I'm not sure of the exact format yet, but it won't be free of charge, and therefore copying will be restricted.
Anyway, a discussion of real world consequences of living in PULL mode would be greatly appreciated. I'm posting this on the forum as well.
If you an internalized Mark Forster voice telling you to do anything, you've got it all wrong. You need the internalized voice of avrum's Future Self.
Yours In Health!
G.E. Moon II
"What was better about today?" and it's making a nice difference. I've just finished my first no-holds-barred Future Vision (exercise 3). Well, some-holds-barred since everything was subject to relaxed and not over-committed.
It's encouraged me to focus on kids that will remember great parents rather than fighting to teach them life lessons. It's already paying off. The kids are still learning the right lessons, and they are happier. I'm learning to relax.
By the middle of the book, I wondered if you intended me to get the same insights from the exercises that you did. While your insights were interesting and helpful, I hope to have a different journey with new insights. Otherwise, I might as well take a short-cut and just use yours. I'm not how to address this other than reiterate that everyone's journey, and two journey's by the same person, will have differences and similarities. (That assumes I'm right about your intentions.)
I'm not recording What was Better every day, and the exercises are sometimes a week apart, but it's good progress.
You're right. The exercises and methods are designed to get at your insights and vision - not mine!